Thursday, 19 February 2015

4D Manifestor Meditation System

Complete Gail Paul Review of 4D Manifestor Here


Being totally immersed in the Law of Attraction life, I have been able to manifest many things in my life, not least happiness. So anything that comes along that can help people pursue and succeed in manifesting techniques always peaks my interest.

I never get tired of telling people that they must have a complete mindset change to be able to manifest their desires...this leads to some people having an immediate negative reaction when I tell them they MUST go out of their comfort zone to achieve success.

I don't teach manifesting, simply because I haven't got time in my life for all the negativity that comes from the 'non believers'. I know it works and I like talking about it and trying to drum home the importance of changing how you react to life's everyday situations. In my main blog, I have dozens of emails a week from folk who boo-hoo the idea of manifestation, saying it's crazy and even blasphemous!

All I know, or care about, is that it works for me and has been working for 5 years now...the naysayers don't bother me a jot. In fact I would go as far as saying it amuses me at times and frustrates me at others. They really don't know what they're missing!

Anyway, I digress.

Today, I'm giving a short heads-up to those who want to believe in manifestation and have tried it for a short while...but have got nowhere. You may need a little help. This is where the new 4D Manifestor could help your subconscious into the correct focus mindset.

The 4D Manifester is a set of alpha wave mp3's and videos that send calming affirmations to your subconscious mind. The package really over delivers and at only $19 is very affordable.

Of course, there are tons of videos out there on YouTube, but which ones work? And which ones should you do in order?

What the 4D Manifestor does is give you a system to follow right from the start. There are 3 publications to read that detail what you have to do and how you have to think. Now, I don't agree with the first two publications because I'm an agnostic, but the 3rd PDF is exactly how I feel you must look at manifesting your future.

I won't go into that here, you can read my full 4D Manifestor Review here.

In short, there are 2 very visual videos which use the ancient symbol of Sri Yantra. These I found mesmerizing and very easy to view and listen to. The Alpha wave music is just at the right level too.

Along with these video's come many bonus mp3 tracks that are used to relax and focus your mind, but the main 4D Manifestor audio comes in a 12 minute piece of Alpha Wave with strong vocal affirmations. This you must listen to twice a day.

By the 7th day you should be able to feel, at least, a positive mindset taking over. All those affirmations will have entered your subconscious mind and be out there vibrating with the universal energy that surrounds us.

This means things will start looking up. Certain situations will start to change for the better and eventually you will be able to really concentrate on manifesting your desires.

The whole package is therefore very useful to own. Everyone can take 12 minutes out of their morning and 12 minutes in the evening to listen to the 4D Manifestor audio...surely?

The creator, David Dunn, used an old Hypnotism audio and mashed it up with his new Trynaural Alpha wave music and the result was tested on his friend who had failed to get any joy from all the other binaural beats, alpha waves and meditation audios.

She immediately felt a difference and for the first time actually got and felt the 'feeling' This compelled David to fine tune his work into what is now the 4D Manifestor system.

Needless to say, it won't work for everyone, especially those who are skeptical about the whole manifesting thing. But let me tell you now, manifesting does work and this kind of meditation can do wonders for clearing the clatter and noise in the mind that stops many people being able to manifest their wants correctly.

So if you're struggling with the Law of Attraction, Manifesting or even meditating, then check out the 4D Manifestor to see if it might just strike a chord with you.

You can read my full review over at my own personal blog in which I go into great detail about not only the 4D Manifestor, but all things relating to the Law of Attraction.