Friday, 15 August 2014

Empowered Mind Videos

Having been living the life of the Law of Attraction for over 4 years, I sometimes wish there was stuff around like this when I first began:

When I decided I needed a better life, well, a whole new life, I did it on my own with a fair amount of commitment...and it was hard!

I've said it before, don't let people tell you living the LOA way is first anyway.

People try for a couple of months then fail because not a lot of things are changing in their life. They run out of steam and lose the momentum needed for the Law of attraction to work...I firmly believe this the reason LOA gets so much critisism.

If you're struggling to make your manifestations come to life, or are finding things are not working out as they should, try these Empowered Mind Videos.

They've only just been released and cover almost everything you need to kick start and maintain the Law of Attraction.

You watch the video of your choice, listen to the Binaural beats and let the text affirmations filter into your subconscious mind. It's as easy as that!

I didn't have such a program 4 years ago available, but I have no doubt I would have got what I wanted (a new life) a lot quicker using these Empowered Mind Videos.

It's not as if you have to do any hard work, or go out of the way to reach the universal law of attraction. Just take some time out, watch, listen and relax. Watching the videos, whatever subject you wish, is a pleasurably experience that plants a seed easily into your mind. You may not see it, or hear it, but they're there.

My full review can be found at my website where you can get more information about how to use the videos to empower your subconscious mind.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Law of Attraction Not Working?

Do you think the Law of attraction is not working for you? Well, I've written a post on my blog that should give you an idea of why it's probably not kicked in yet.

We have to undertsand that to live the Law of Attraction way, it can't just be turned on overnight and expect all your problems to be a distant memory...oh, how I wish that were true!

If you're in a bad place right now, it will take one helluva life change to get out. I don't mean it's beyond you, it will just need extra time and a huge chunk of belief.

Now, I managed to get around the negativity in my life by doing stuff not taught in LOA books. It meant me having to change into another person altogether...for the initial stages anyway.

Once you master the real you, it all comes together, but you have to dig deep down inside, so deep it's damned uncomfortable. But you want to change your life, right?

Well, if you really, really, really want to change, you have to commit to doing things a lot differently. Don't listen to people who say you have to look upon the world as the stage of your life right it great? No.

You have to change everything negative around you...everything to get to that place when everyone says life is wonderful. And it is.

I know the challenges that can happen when trying to get the Law of Attraction to work for you, it's a real test that can have you bordering on madness, but that's where you have to be for it to work for you.

Not all people who live the Law of Attraction life had to change this much, but if you're in a place where life is unbearable, such as a place I was, then you need to become a different person and if you lose friends, possessions, life patterns on the way, then that is the price you need to pay.

If your life is not anyway near the life you wanted...change it.

Read my blog post here to see if it sends off any alarm bells!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Manifestation Miracle Review

The Manifestation Miracle is a book by Heather Matthews and I've written a pretty comprehensive review about it on my personal blog below.

To cut a long story short, the Manifestation Miracle ebook is learning how to manifest destiny using the Law of Attraction.

Now, I'm very experienced in this field, if I say so myself, and have lived the last 4 years with nothing but the Law of Attraction, so I do know how to review such a subject.

Many people get the process all wrong and give up after taking a trial or giving only a week for it to took me almost a year to get what I want, so you do REALLY NEED the thing that makes life worth living.

Give in to doubt and you will fail.

The manifestation miracle manual guides you through a step-by-step strategy of how to manifest your destiny. My review tells you what each chapter does and how to use it.

There are a number of bonuses with the whole manifestation miracle package and I go through those too.

If you're sitting on the fence about this Law of Attraction notion, or are simply curious to how it works, go over to my review and it should shed some light on this exceptional subject.

I already know what manifesting can do and how to get what I want in life, so find it interesting what other people have to say and when a course comes out I all over it like stink on a monkey!

Go see what I think here.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Who is Gail Paul Online?

Hello everyone!

This is a little blog that I've created to help people get out of life what they deserve.

So many people are down in the dumps and confused as to why good things always happen to other people and not them. This is totally understandable and I know just how this feels.

At 48 I was in a deep dark hole with nothing going right in my life. My husband and son were the only things that made life worth living, but we had no money, no luck and not a particularly good looking future.

We had been in debt since we married in 1997, lost money on our house, suffered bad health, faced depression every day, never had any good luck, only bad and it started to really effect us.

We are strong, and it was a good job we were, but life shouldn't be like this. Why didn't anything go right for us? Why, when we tried to better ourselves, did we fail and end up worse than ever?

Why did our friends always seem to get on in life and we just made do?

How come illness came to us so readily? Why did our ventures fail? Why didn't we get some Karma?

We are good folks who treat people how we ourselves would want to be treated. We were hard working, extremely helpful, charitable and never in trouble with the law, never missed a payment from out huge bills and were always looked upon as a great couple. (That's how well we hid our misery)

But it took it's toll. My husband was made redundant and went into self employment, which failed, but would have worked for anyone else.

He then suffered a near death illness and was weak and confused about life.

We were at the edge and were so close to tipping over to our demise.

But, in 2010, I decided to change my life for the good. The next 4+ years saw us climb out of the hell hole, our life is happy, truly, for the first time, our health is superb and our money troubles are over. We can do anything we want now.

How did this happen? did we win the Lottery? No.

This is what this little blog is all about and what my main site explains.

It's about belief, but not of the religious's a belief that you get from deep down inside of you, and everyone has got it. I'm proof!

So over the next few posts and beyond, I will be trying to help people who were in the same position as us, get out.

The only thing you need is belief and that belief HAS to be real.

More soon.